Friday, December 24, 2010

Know More About NLP [Neuro Linguistic Programming]

The word Neuro linguistic programming can be broken down into three different words:


linguistic and

Neuro refers to the brain and neural network that feeds into the brain. Neurons or nerve cell is a unit used by the nervous system to send, receive, and store signals that add up to information.
Linguistic refers to the content, both verbal and non-verbal, that moves in and through this pathway.
Programming is the way the content or signal is manipulated to convert it into useful information. The brain may direct the signal, sequence, change it based on our previous experience, or connect it with other experiences that we have stored in our brain to convert it into a pattern of thought and behavior that form the core of our life experience.
Our experience and feelings affect the way we react to external stimuli. Let me illustrate. I'm afraid of snakes. Encouragement I get if I see a snake or even hear the sound closely resembling that snake is a feeling of total fear. This is because, I was born in a region full of deadly snakes a few. One day a young man from my neighborhood come to our home. He knocked on the door. I opened the door. He has a snake in his hand. He wanted to show me her prize catch. He held it like we are holding a pet cat. For him it's pet. So, give him lots of joy to hold one. For me, this gives a migraine headache!
Both myself and my neighbor's children saw the same thing. The same signal is also given to our brains. That is a picture of a snake. However, our brains interpret the implications of the snake is completely different. In information processing, the brain we use our experiences (good and bad), our bias, our opinions, our value system, etc. to convert it into useful information that we can use.
Neuro linguistic programming (NLP for short) was developed in the early 1970s by the information scientist and linguist at the University of California at Santa Cruz. They observed that people with the same education, training, background, and experience of many years has achieved many results ranging from wonderful to mediocre. They want to know the secrets of effective people. What makes them do and achieve things. They are especially interested in the possibility to be able to duplicate the behavior, and hence competence, these individuals are very effective. It was the golden era of modeling and simulation. They decided to model human excellence. They looked at factors such as education, business and therapy. They then focus on aspects of communication. They began to learn how successful people communicated (verbal language, body language, eye movements, etc.). By modeling their behavior, John Grinder and Richard Bandler were able to see patterns of thinking that helps in the success of the subject. Both theorize that the brain can learn the healthy patterns and behaviors and that this will bring positive physical and emotional impact. What emerges from their work became known as Neuro-Linguistic Programming.
The basic premise of NLP is that the words we use reflect the perception, the subconscious part of our problem. If the words and perceptions are inaccurate, they will create a fundamental problem as long as we continue to use and think they are. Our attitude, in a sense, a prophecy.
Neuro linguistic therapist will analyze every word and phrase you use in describing your symptoms or concerns about your health. He or she will examine your facial expressions and body movements. After determining problems in your perception, the therapist will help you understand the root cause. The therapist will help you remodel your thoughts and mental associations in order to improve your presumption. This presumption may keep you from achieving the success you deserve.
NLP will help you get out of the properties that are not healthy, and replace them with positive thoughts, and patterns that promote health.
How to Work Neuro Linguistic Programming?
NLP uses self image and attitude towards illness to effect change and to promote healing. Hope is our greatest asset. This is one of the main reasons why a placebo (sugar pill that is used in clinical studies) work. We also know how effective prayer can be when combined with faith and hope. When a person loses hope and feels helpless in the face of chronic diseases such as AIDS or cancer, it is very easy to lose hope; body may be just "stop trying." If the patient is made aware of its unique capabilities and possibilities, he might see something different. Now, the body's natural healing power can be harnessed to do the job.
NLP is based on the assumption some handy. NLP places great emphasis on the concepts that work as opposed to the concepts that should work. NLP therapists will tell you that if what you do not work, you should try something else that will work for you. Every person is different. Flexibility is a key element in a particular system. People who are most likely to do well responds to changing (or unchanging) circumstances appropriately. This is one reason why NLP has made so much progress. NLP is much more interested in getting results.
other tools are available for NLP therapists are meta model, sensory acuity, Milton model, system representation and submodalities.

NLP makes a number of assumptions. Presuppositions or assumptions is the belief someone will find useful in influencing changes in themselves and / or to the world. (Some people call this a "natural".)
Hypothetical example:

1. Communication is more than what you say.
2. There is nothing wrong or damaged. People work perfectly to accomplish what they are currently achieving.
3. People already have all the resources they need.
4. Behind every behavior is a positive intention.
5. Every behavior is useful in some contexts.
6. The meaning of communication is the response you get.
7. If you do not get the response you want, try something different.
8. There is no such thing as failure. There is only feedback.
9. Having a better option than having a choice at all.
10. In any system, the element with the most flexibility it provides the most influence.
11. Map is not the territory.
12. If someone can do something, anyone can learn it.
13. You can not fail to communicate.

Representational system
Representation in NLP system consists of the five senses. These are:

* Visual (pictures)
* Auditory (sound)
* Kinesthetic (touch and internal feelings)
* Gustatory (taste)
* Smell (odor)
Every one of us use one or a combination of the senses to see the world. Brain gets a "picture" of what we are talking of one or of a combination of the senses and the senses alone. For example, we saw a dead dog on the street. Indra eye and sends visual images to the brain. The nose will feel bad and send it to the brain. For example, if the foul smell, the brain can infer from what has been received so far (picture a dog that was lying still gives bad smell) that the dog had been dead for some time. If the dog is crying, the ear will transmit this information to the brain. In addition, we will touch the dog. We probably will not taste dogs. So, this is the "input" to the brain.
Qualities and attributes representations you make using the five senses are called modalities. Let me illustrate. Think about dogs. This gives rise to different reactions in people depending on what we feel. One person can visualize, cute poodle. Other people may think of a ferocious bull dog chasing after him. What color is the dog? Our image and reactions to it may change depending on whether we see it "in bright colors" or "black and white". Creating a more vibrant colors. What reaction do you get as a result? Now move the image further and see how it's "change."
One of the great advantages of using a spreadsheet like Excel is that once we make a model in it, we can change it by asking "what-if" questions. We tested various scenarios until we are satisfied that the model is satisfactory for our purposes. The same thing happens in our mind or the brain with information that "input" by the sensory system. Information can be represented in different ways based on our feelings, prejudices and value systems. The values ​​that are unique to each of us. This is part of the "internal" our system. This is our submodalities.
The great strength of this concept is that once we recognize how our submodalities may mask our perception, we can make changes to our subsystem to produce a change or to "correct" the situation ..
Meta model in NLP is a set of questions designed to find an explicit meaning in one's communication. It is important that the therapist does not make assumptions about communication. Therapists can ask questions to find out what's on the mind of people who are being treated.

Subject: I am very tired.
Analyst: What makes you tired?
Subject: He always makes fun of me and make fun of me.
Analysts: Who mocks you?
Subject: Bob.
Analysts: Bob who?
Subject: Bob Sullivan, a neighbor of mine.
Analyst: Why does Bob make fun of you?
Subject: He is like a tease!
People who are trained to make the assumption that people who are physically tired. By asking probing questions, analysts learn what the subject really says. the therapist will use the voice, the way the subject of speech, tone of voice etc. to understand the communication.
Sensory acuity
We can take one look at someone and be able to infer much about what they think or what their thought process at that time. For example, we'll know when someone happy or unhappy. We'll know when someone is pressed. We know when to avoid our boss - perhaps his or her "bad day." Of course, some people are good at hiding their true feelings. We call it "poker face."
In general, a person's thinking process is closely related to his / her physiology. A dog can sense when you are scared. How does he know? We take clues from body language to communicate to our people: shoulders slumped, eyes sad, drooping head, the lack of sharpness animation etc. Sensory take these observations beyond the more obviously recognizable clues and uses physical feedback in addition to someone's words to get a lot of communication possible.
Milton Model
Milton Model refers to a set of linguistic patterns derived by Milton Erickson, the father of modern hypnotherapy. The patterns of the language used to help guide someone without interfering with their experience. For example, "Imagine when you see a dog." Suggestions are made deliberately vague so that the subject will have ample opportunities to make it happen in his mind. For example, therapists do not recommend that type of dog, what color, etc. It is up to you to fill the vacancy. In this way, you can manage in a way that makes the most sense for you. Therefore, this advice is very general and can be used for all people. Milton-model helps therapists to maintain relationships with patients. It is often used in hypnotic or trance state sessions.
Using this model, (many of them models of behavior and actions of successful people) NLP allows us to recognize how we and others make our own unique map of reality. This allows us to understand our own and other processes of decision making, communication, motivation and learning.

Making Lifestyle Changes To Our Using NLP:
Once we understand our own reality map, we can make those changes in order to gain experience of life we ​​want. NLP gives us a "map" used by others. We learn how others have responded to certain situations we face. We see differences in approach and in the results. Accordingly, we can voluntarily make changes to our own behavior. We stepped out of our own map and into another. When this happens, a lot of awards. We have a deep connection to the success. And our lives will never be the same again.
NLP increases the depth and effectiveness of our relationships, beginning with ourselves and extending through a personal and intimate relationships to professional life and work, and finally, into the arena of therapy or working with others to bring about healing, change and growth. NLP provides tools that enable this rich connection with self and others occurs.
Many NLP tools and applications that are widely used in business, management, training, education, and therapy. Many of us may experience and apply these principles in our lives, even without realizing that it comes from NLP.


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